RoRo-0.1: Lupupu Cube Stage SolverContentsIndex

Calculates the space between widget edges, that are layed out by Game.LupupuCube.UI.SpringLayout.

A Spring defines a minimum, preferred and maximum distance for each edge (north, east, south, west) of a component.

However, springs are not static, their actual values are computed at runtime. That means, if a Spring C is defined as the sum of Spring A and Spring B, then the values (min, pref and max) are not calculated at creation of Spring C, but instead always when getValue is applied. So, when Spring A or Spring B changes, this is reflected in Spring C.

data Spring s d = forall i . SpringT s i => SP i
class SpringT s i where
minValue :: i -> ST s Int
prefValue :: i -> ST s Int
maxValue :: i -> ST s Int
getValue :: i -> ST s Int
setValue :: i -> Int -> ST s ()
data Horizontal
data Vertical
unSP1 :: forall state dir ret. (forall impl. SpringT state impl => impl -> ST state ret) -> Spring state dir -> ST state ret
unSP2 :: forall state dir arg ret. (forall impl. SpringT state impl => impl -> arg -> ST state ret) -> Spring state dir -> arg -> ST state ret
fixed :: Int -> ST s (Spring s d)
constant :: Int -> Int -> Int -> ST s (Spring s d)
widgetWidth :: Widget w => w -> ST s (Spring s Horizontal)
widgetHeight :: Widget w => w -> ST s (Spring s Vertical)
(|+|) :: ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d)
(|-|) :: ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d)
neg :: ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d)
maxSpr :: ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d)
data Spring s d
Spring s d is a data type which is parameterised on state s and direction d. d is normally either Horizontal or Vertical, and it is actually a phantom type to do merely type checking.
forall i . SpringT s i => SP iThis constructor is exported for those who want to define their own SpringT. It should not be used by library users.
class SpringT s i where
SpringT s i is a class which is parameterised on state s and implementation i. It is exported for spring implementors.
minValue :: i -> ST s Int
minValue spr returns the minimum value of spring spr in the ST monad.
prefValue :: i -> ST s Int
prefValue spr returns the preferred value of spring spr in the ST monad.
maxValue :: i -> ST s Int
maxValue spr returns the maximum value of spring spr in the ST monad.
getValue :: i -> ST s Int
getValue spr returns the current value of spring spr in the ST monad.
setValue :: i -> Int -> ST s ()
setValue spr val changes the value of spring spr to val in the ST monad.
data Horizontal
Horizontal is a phantom type whose value is never regarded. It is used by Spring to parameterise it as a horizontal spring.
data Vertical
Vertical is a phantom type whose value is never regarded. It is used by Spring to parameterise it as a vertical spring.
unSP1 :: forall state dir ret. (forall impl. SpringT state impl => impl -> ST state ret) -> Spring state dir -> ST state ret
unSP2 :: forall state dir arg ret. (forall impl. SpringT state impl => impl -> arg -> ST state ret) -> Spring state dir -> arg -> ST state ret
fixed :: Int -> ST s (Spring s d)
fixed n creates a spring whose min, pref and max values are all the same n. These kind of springs are struts.
=> IntThe minimum value.
-> IntThe preferred value.
-> IntThe maximum value.
-> ST s (Spring s d)
constant creates a spring which min, pref and max values are constants.
widgetWidth :: Widget w => w -> ST s (Spring s Horizontal)
widgetWidth w creates a fixed spring whose value is the width of minSize w.
widgetHeight :: Widget w => w -> ST s (Spring s Vertical)
widgetHeight w creates a fixed spring whose value is the height of minSize w.
(|+|) :: ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d)
a |+| b creates a spring which is always the sum of a and b.
(|-|) :: ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d)
a |-| b creates a spring which is always the subtraction a - b (i.e. a |+| neg b).
neg :: ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d)
neg a creates a spring which is always the negation of a.
maxSpr :: ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d) -> ST s (Spring s d)
maxSpr a b creates a spring which always has the maximum values among a and b.
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