| HsSVN- Partial Subversion (SVN) binding for Haskell | Contents | Index |
Description |
An interface to repository, which is built on top of the
Synopsis |
Documentation |
data Repository |
Repository is an opaque object representing a Subversion
openRepository :: FilePath -> IO Repository |
openRepository fpath opens a Subversion repository at fpath.
It acquires a shared lock on the repository, and the lock will be
removed by the garbage collector. If an exclusive lock is present,
this blocks until it's gone.
createRepository |
:: FilePath | Where to create the repository.
| -> [(String, Config)] | A list of (categoryName, config)
tuples which represents a client
configuration. It may be an empty list.
| -> [(String, String)] | This list is passed to the
filesystem. See
| -> IO Repository | | createRepository creates a new Subversion repository, builds a
necessary directory structure, creates a filesystem, and so on.
deleteRepository :: FilePath -> IO () |
deleteRepository fpath destroys the Subversion repository at
getRepositoryFS :: Repository -> IO FileSystem |
getRepositoryFS repos returns the filesystem associated with
repository repos.
doReposTxn |
:: Repository | The repository.
| -> RevNum | An existing revision number which the
transaction bases on.
| -> String | The author name to be recorded as a
transaction property.
| -> Maybe String | The log message to be recorded as a
transaction property. This value may be
Nothing if the message is not yet
available. The caller will need to attach one
to the transaction later.
| -> Txn () | The transaction to be done.
| -> IO (Either FilePath RevNum) | The result is whether
Left conflictPath
(if it caused a conflict) or
Right newRevNum (if
it didn't).
| doReposTxn tries to do the transaction. If it succeeds
doReposTxn automatically commits it. When it throws an exception,
doReposTxn automatically cancels it and rethrows the exception.
Since conflicts tend to occur more frequently than other errors,
they aren't reported as an exception.
dumpRepository |
:: Repository | The repository.
| -> Maybe RevNum | Nothing to start
dumping at revision 0, or
Just x to begin at
revision x.
| -> Maybe RevNum | Nothing to dump
through the HEAD revision, or
Just x to dump up to the
revision x.
| -> Bool | If this is True, the
first revision dumped will be a diff
against the previous revision
(usually it looks like a full dump
of the tree).
| -> Bool | If this is True,
output only node properties which
have changed relative to the
previous contents, and output text
contents as svndiff data against the
previous contents. Regardless of how
this flag is set, the first revision
of a non-incremental dump will be
done with full plain text. A dump
with this flag set cannot be loaded
by Subversion 1.0.x.
| -> IO ByteString | | Lazily dump the contents of the filesystem associated with the
given repository. Note that this action requires -threaded RTS.
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.0 |