Remove deps on HXT

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It's an overkill to use HXT to generate default pages.


Id: ce71be0bc848dbefccc5cea88e5c9339083d97ee
Type: task
Creation time: 2011-11-29 12:14 UTC
Creator: PHO <pho@...>
Release: Lucu-1.0 (unreleased)
Component: Lucu
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Commits for this issue

2011-12-01 17:02 UTC PHO <pho@...> Use blaze-html instead of HXT. [c060bff]

Issue log

2011-12-01 17:02 UTC PHO <pho@...> closed with disposition fixed
2011-11-30 22:48 UTC PHO <pho@...> changed status from unstarted to in_progress
2011-11-29 12:14 UTC PHO <pho@...> created