  , UnicodeSyntax
-- |This is an auxiliary parser utilities for parsing things related
-- on HTTP protocol.
-- In general you don't have to use this module directly.
module Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser.Http
    ( isCtl
    , isText
    , isSeparator
    , isChar
    , isToken
    , isSPHT

    , listOf

    , crlf
    , sp
    , lws

    , token
    , separators
    , quotedStr
    , qvalue
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Ascii (Ascii)
import qualified Data.Ascii as A
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser
import Prelude.Unicode

-- |@'isCtl' c@ returns 'False' iff @0x20 <= c < 0x7F@.
isCtl  Char  Bool
{-# INLINE isCtl #-}
isCtl c
    | c  '\x1f' = True
    | c > '\x7f' = True
    | otherwise  = False

-- |@'isText'@ is equivalent to @'not' '.' 'isCtl'@
isText  Char  Bool
{-# INLINE isText #-}
isText = (¬)  isCtl

-- |@'isSeparator' c@ returns 'True' iff c is one of the HTTP
-- separators.
isSeparator  Char  Bool
{-# INLINE isSeparator #-}
isSeparator = inClass "()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?={}\x20\x09"

-- |@'isChar' c@ returns 'True' iff @c <= 0x7f@.
isChar  Char  Bool
{-# INLINE isChar #-}
isChar = ( '\x7F')

-- |@'isToken' c@ is equivalent to @not ('isCtl' c '||' 'isSeparator'
-- c)@
isToken  Char  Bool
{-# INLINE isToken #-}
isToken c = (¬) (isCtl c  isSeparator c)

-- |@'listOf' p@ is similar to @'sepBy' p ('char' \',\')@ but it
-- allows any occurrences of 'lws' before and after each tokens.
listOf  Parser a  Parser [a]
{-# INLINEABLE listOf #-}
listOf p
    = do skipMany lws
         p `sepBy` do skipMany lws
                      void $ char ','
                      skipMany lws

-- |'token' is almost the same as @'takeWhile1' 'isToken'@
token  Parser Ascii
{-# INLINE token #-}
token = (A.unsafeFromByteString <$> takeWhile1 isToken)

-- |The CRLF: 0x0D 0x0A.
crlf  Parser ()
{-# INLINE crlf #-}
crlf = (string "\x0D\x0A" *> return ())

-- |The SP: 0x20.
sp  Parser ()
{-# INLINE sp #-}
sp = char '\x20' *> return ()

-- |HTTP LWS: crlf? (sp | ht)+
lws  Parser ()
{-# INLINEABLE lws #-}
lws = (option () crlf *> void (takeWhile1 isSPHT))

-- |Returns 'True' for SP and HT.
isSPHT  Char  Bool
{-# INLINE isSPHT #-}
isSPHT '\x20' = True
isSPHT '\x09' = True
isSPHT _      = False

-- |@'separators'@ is almost the same as @'takeWhile1' 'isSeparator'@.
separators  Parser Ascii
{-# INLINE separators #-}
separators = (A.unsafeFromByteString <$> takeWhile1 isSeparator)

-- |'quotedStr' accepts a string surrounded by double quotation
-- marks. Quotes can be escaped by backslashes.
quotedStr  Parser Ascii
{-# INLINEABLE quotedStr #-}
quotedStr = do void $ char '"'
               xs  many (qdtext <|> quotedPair)
               void $ char '"'
               return  A.unsafeFromByteString $ BS.pack xs
      qdtext  Parser Char
      {-# INLINE qdtext #-}
      qdtext = satisfy (\c  c  '"'  (¬) (isCtl c))

      quotedPair  Parser Char
      {-# INLINE quotedPair #-}
      quotedPair = (char '\\' *> satisfy isChar)

-- |'qvalue' accepts a so-called qvalue.
qvalue  Parser Double
{-# INLINEABLE qvalue #-}
qvalue = ( do x   char '0'
              xs  option "" $
                   do y   char '.'
                      ys  atMost 3 digit
                      return (y:ys)
              return $ read (x:xs)
           do x   char '1'
              xs  option "" $
                   do y   char '.'
                      ys  atMost 3 (char '0')
                      return (y:ys)
              return $ read (x:xs)