module OpenSSL.PEM
, PemPasswordRWState(..)
, PemPasswordSupply(..)
, writePKCS8PrivateKey
, readPrivateKey
, writePublicKey
, readPublicKey
, writeX509
, readX509
, PemX509ReqFormat(..)
, writeX509Req
, readX509Req
, writeCRL
, readCRL
, writePkcs7
, readPkcs7
, writeDHParams
, readDHParams
import Control.Exception hiding (try)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import Data.Maybe
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import OpenSSL.BIO
import OpenSSL.EVP.Cipher hiding (cipher)
import OpenSSL.EVP.PKey
import OpenSSL.EVP.Internal
import OpenSSL.DH.Internal
import OpenSSL.PKCS7
import OpenSSL.Utils
import OpenSSL.X509
import OpenSSL.X509.Request
import OpenSSL.X509.Revocation
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.IO
type PemPasswordCallback = Int -> PemPasswordRWState -> IO String
type PemPasswordCallback' = Ptr CChar -> Int -> Int -> Ptr () -> IO Int
data PemPasswordRWState = PwRead
| PwWrite
data PemPasswordSupply = PwNone
| PwStr String
| PwBS B8.ByteString
| PwCallback PemPasswordCallback
foreign import ccall "wrapper"
mkPemPasswordCallback :: PemPasswordCallback' -> IO (FunPtr PemPasswordCallback')
rwflagToState :: Int -> PemPasswordRWState
rwflagToState 0 = PwRead
rwflagToState 1 = PwWrite
rwflagToState _ = undefined
callPasswordCB :: PemPasswordCallback -> PemPasswordCallback'
callPasswordCB cb buf bufLen rwflag _
= let mode = rwflagToState rwflag
try = do passStr <- cb bufLen mode
let passLen = length passStr
when (passLen > bufLen)
$ failForTooLongPassword bufLen
pokeArray buf $ map (toEnum . fromEnum) passStr
return passLen
try `catch` \ exc ->
do hPutStrLn stderr (show (exc :: SomeException))
return 0
failForTooLongPassword :: Int -> IO a
failForTooLongPassword len
= fail ("callPasswordCB: the password which the callback returned is too long: "
++ "it must be at most " ++ show len ++ " bytes.")
foreign import ccall safe "PEM_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey"
_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr CChar
-> CInt
-> FunPtr PemPasswordCallback'
-> Ptr a
-> IO CInt
writePKCS8PrivateKey' :: KeyPair key =>
-> key
-> Maybe (Cipher, PemPasswordSupply)
-> IO ()
writePKCS8PrivateKey' bio key encryption
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withPKeyPtr' key $ \ pkeyPtr ->
do ret <- case encryption of
-> _write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey bioPtr pkeyPtr nullPtr nullPtr 0 nullFunPtr nullPtr
Just (_, PwNone)
-> _write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey bioPtr pkeyPtr nullPtr nullPtr 0 nullFunPtr nullPtr
Just (cipher, PwStr passStr)
-> withCStringLen passStr $ \(passPtr, passLen) ->
withCipherPtr cipher $ \ cipherPtr ->
_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey bioPtr pkeyPtr cipherPtr passPtr (fromIntegral passLen) nullFunPtr nullPtr
Just (cipher, PwBS passStr)
-> withBS passStr $ \(passPtr, passLen) ->
withCipherPtr cipher $ \ cipherPtr ->
_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey bioPtr pkeyPtr cipherPtr passPtr (fromIntegral passLen) nullFunPtr nullPtr
Just (cipher, PwCallback cb)
-> withCipherPtr cipher $ \ cipherPtr ->
bracket (mkPemPasswordCallback $ callPasswordCB cb) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \cbPtr ->
_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey bioPtr pkeyPtr cipherPtr nullPtr 0 cbPtr nullPtr
Just (cipher, PwTTY)
-> withCipherPtr cipher $ \ cipherPtr ->
_write_bio_PKCS8PrivateKey bioPtr pkeyPtr cipherPtr nullPtr 0 nullFunPtr nullPtr
failIf_ (/= 1) ret
:: KeyPair key =>
-> Maybe (Cipher, PemPasswordSupply)
-> IO String
writePKCS8PrivateKey pkey encryption
= do mem <- newMem
writePKCS8PrivateKey' mem pkey encryption
bioRead mem
foreign import ccall safe "PEM_read_bio_PrivateKey"
_read_bio_PrivateKey :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr (Ptr EVP_PKEY)
-> FunPtr PemPasswordCallback'
-> CString
-> IO (Ptr EVP_PKEY)
readPrivateKey' :: BIO -> PemPasswordSupply -> IO SomeKeyPair
readPrivateKey' bio supply
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
do pkeyPtr <- case supply of
-> withCString "" $ \ strPtr ->
_read_bio_PrivateKey bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr (castPtr strPtr)
PwStr passStr
-> withCString passStr $
_read_bio_PrivateKey bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr
PwBS passStr
-> withBS passStr $ \(passPtr,_) ->
_read_bio_PrivateKey bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr passPtr
PwCallback cb
-> bracket (mkPemPasswordCallback $ callPasswordCB cb) freeHaskellFunPtr $ \cbPtr ->
_read_bio_PrivateKey bioPtr nullPtr cbPtr nullPtr
-> _read_bio_PrivateKey bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr nullPtr
failIfNull_ pkeyPtr
fmap fromJust (wrapPKeyPtr pkeyPtr >>= fromPKey)
readPrivateKey :: String -> PemPasswordSupply -> IO SomeKeyPair
readPrivateKey pemStr supply
= do mem <- newConstMem pemStr
readPrivateKey' mem supply
foreign import ccall unsafe "PEM_write_bio_PUBKEY"
_write_bio_PUBKEY :: Ptr BIO_ -> Ptr EVP_PKEY -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "PEM_read_bio_PUBKEY"
_read_bio_PUBKEY :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr (Ptr EVP_PKEY)
-> FunPtr PemPasswordCallback'
-> Ptr ()
-> IO (Ptr EVP_PKEY)
writePublicKey' :: PublicKey key => BIO -> key -> IO ()
writePublicKey' bio key
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withPKeyPtr' key $ \ pkeyPtr ->
_write_bio_PUBKEY bioPtr pkeyPtr >>= failIf (/= 1) >> return ()
writePublicKey :: PublicKey key => key -> IO String
writePublicKey pkey
= do mem <- newMem
writePublicKey' mem pkey
bioRead mem
readPublicKey' :: BIO -> IO SomePublicKey
readPublicKey' bio
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withCString "" $ \ passPtr ->
fmap fromJust
( _read_bio_PUBKEY bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr (castPtr passPtr)
>>= failIfNull
>>= wrapPKeyPtr
>>= fromPKey
readPublicKey :: String -> IO SomePublicKey
readPublicKey pemStr
= newConstMem pemStr >>= readPublicKey'
foreign import ccall unsafe "PEM_write_bio_X509_AUX"
_write_bio_X509_AUX :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr X509_
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "PEM_read_bio_X509_AUX"
_read_bio_X509_AUX :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr (Ptr X509_)
-> FunPtr PemPasswordCallback'
-> Ptr ()
-> IO (Ptr X509_)
writeX509' :: BIO -> X509 -> IO ()
writeX509' bio x509
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withX509Ptr x509 $ \ x509Ptr ->
_write_bio_X509_AUX bioPtr x509Ptr
>>= failIf (/= 1)
>> return ()
writeX509 :: X509 -> IO String
writeX509 x509
= do mem <- newMem
writeX509' mem x509
bioRead mem
readX509' :: BIO -> IO X509
readX509' bio
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withCString "" $ \ passPtr ->
_read_bio_X509_AUX bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr (castPtr passPtr)
>>= failIfNull
>>= wrapX509
readX509 :: String -> IO X509
readX509 pemStr
= newConstMem pemStr >>= readX509'
foreign import ccall unsafe "PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ"
_write_bio_X509_REQ :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr X509_REQ
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "PEM_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW"
_write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr X509_REQ
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "PEM_read_bio_X509_REQ"
_read_bio_X509_REQ :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr (Ptr X509_REQ)
-> FunPtr PemPasswordCallback'
-> Ptr ()
-> IO (Ptr X509_REQ)
data PemX509ReqFormat
= ReqNewFormat
| ReqOldFormat
writeX509Req' :: BIO -> X509Req -> PemX509ReqFormat -> IO ()
writeX509Req' bio req format
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withX509ReqPtr req $ \ reqPtr ->
writer bioPtr reqPtr
>>= failIf (/= 1)
>> return ()
writer = case format of
ReqNewFormat -> _write_bio_X509_REQ_NEW
ReqOldFormat -> _write_bio_X509_REQ
writeX509Req :: X509Req
-> PemX509ReqFormat
-> IO String
writeX509Req req format
= do mem <- newMem
writeX509Req' mem req format
bioRead mem
readX509Req' :: BIO -> IO X509Req
readX509Req' bio
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withCString "" $ \ passPtr ->
_read_bio_X509_REQ bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr (castPtr passPtr)
>>= failIfNull
>>= wrapX509Req
readX509Req :: String -> IO X509Req
readX509Req pemStr
= newConstMem pemStr >>= readX509Req'
foreign import ccall unsafe "PEM_write_bio_X509_CRL"
_write_bio_X509_CRL :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr X509_CRL
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL"
_read_bio_X509_CRL :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr (Ptr X509_CRL)
-> FunPtr PemPasswordCallback'
-> Ptr ()
-> IO (Ptr X509_CRL)
writeCRL' :: BIO -> CRL -> IO ()
writeCRL' bio crl
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withCRLPtr crl $ \ crlPtr ->
_write_bio_X509_CRL bioPtr crlPtr
>>= failIf (/= 1)
>> return ()
writeCRL :: CRL -> IO String
writeCRL crl
= do mem <- newMem
writeCRL' mem crl
bioRead mem
readCRL' :: BIO -> IO CRL
readCRL' bio
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withCString "" $ \ passPtr ->
_read_bio_X509_CRL bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr (castPtr passPtr)
>>= failIfNull
>>= wrapCRL
readCRL :: String -> IO CRL
readCRL pemStr
= newConstMem pemStr >>= readCRL'
foreign import ccall unsafe "PEM_write_bio_PKCS7"
_write_bio_PKCS7 :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr PKCS7
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "PEM_read_bio_PKCS7"
_read_bio_PKCS7 :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr (Ptr PKCS7)
-> FunPtr PemPasswordCallback'
-> Ptr ()
-> IO (Ptr PKCS7)
writePkcs7' :: BIO -> Pkcs7 -> IO ()
writePkcs7' bio pkcs7
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withPkcs7Ptr pkcs7 $ \ pkcs7Ptr ->
_write_bio_PKCS7 bioPtr pkcs7Ptr
>>= failIf (/= 1)
>> return ()
writePkcs7 :: Pkcs7 -> IO String
writePkcs7 pkcs7
= do mem <- newMem
writePkcs7' mem pkcs7
bioRead mem
readPkcs7' :: BIO -> IO Pkcs7
readPkcs7' bio
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withCString "" $ \ passPtr ->
_read_bio_PKCS7 bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr (castPtr passPtr)
>>= failIfNull
>>= wrapPkcs7Ptr
readPkcs7 :: String -> IO Pkcs7
readPkcs7 pemStr
= newConstMem pemStr >>= readPkcs7'
foreign import ccall unsafe "PEM_write_bio_DHparams"
_write_bio_DH :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr DH_
-> IO CInt
foreign import ccall safe "PEM_read_bio_DHparams"
_read_bio_DH :: Ptr BIO_
-> Ptr (Ptr DH_)
-> FunPtr PemPasswordCallback'
-> Ptr ()
-> IO (Ptr DH_)
writeDHParams' :: BIO -> DHP -> IO ()
writeDHParams' bio dh
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withDHPPtr dh $ \ dhPtr ->
_write_bio_DH bioPtr dhPtr >>= failIf_ (/= 1)
writeDHParams :: DHP -> IO String
writeDHParams dh
= do mem <- newMem
writeDHParams' mem dh
bioRead mem
readDHParams' :: BIO -> IO DHP
readDHParams' bio
= withBioPtr bio $ \ bioPtr ->
withCString "" $ \ passPtr ->
_read_bio_DH bioPtr nullPtr nullFunPtr (castPtr passPtr)
>>= failIfNull
>>= wrapDHPPtr
readDHParams :: String -> IO DHP
readDHParams pemStr
= newConstMem pemStr >>= readDHParams'
withBS :: B8.ByteString -> ((Ptr CChar, Int) -> IO t) -> IO t
withBS passStr act =
B8.useAsCStringLen passStr $ \ (passPtr, passLen) ->
flip finally (memset passPtr 0 $ fromIntegral passLen) $
act (castPtr passPtr, passLen)
foreign import ccall unsafe memset :: Ptr a -> CInt -> CSize -> IO ()