{-# LINE 1 "OpenSSL/EVP/Base64.hsc" #-}
{- -*- haskell -*- -}
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-- |An interface to Base64 codec.

module OpenSSL.EVP.Base64
    ( -- * Encoding
    , encodeBase64BS
    , encodeBase64LBS

      -- * Decoding
    , decodeBase64
    , decodeBase64BS
    , decodeBase64LBS

import           Control.Exception hiding (block)
import           Data.ByteString.Internal (createAndTrim)
import           Data.ByteString.Unsafe (unsafeUseAsCStringLen)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal as L8Internal
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import           Data.List
import           Foreign
import           Foreign.C

-- On encoding, we keep fetching the next block until we get at least
-- 3 bytes. Then we apply B8.concat to the returned [ByteString] and
-- split it at the offset in multiple of 3, then prepend the remaining
-- bytes to the next block.
-- On decoding, we apply the same algorithm but we split the input in
-- multiple of 4.
nextBlock :: Int -> ([B8.ByteString], L8.ByteString) -> ([B8.ByteString], L8.ByteString)
nextBlock minLen (xs, src)
    = if foldl' (+) 0 (map B8.length xs) >= minLen then
          (xs, src)
          case src of
            L8Internal.Empty      -> (xs, src)
            L8Internal.Chunk y ys -> nextBlock minLen (xs ++ [y], ys)

{- encode -------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

foreign import ccall unsafe "EVP_EncodeBlock"
        _EncodeBlock :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> CInt -> IO CInt

encodeBlock :: B8.ByteString -> B8.ByteString
encodeBlock inBS
    = unsafePerformIO $
      unsafeUseAsCStringLen inBS $ \ (inBuf, inLen) ->
      createAndTrim maxOutLen $ \ outBuf ->
      fmap fromIntegral
           (_EncodeBlock (castPtr outBuf) inBuf (fromIntegral inLen))
      maxOutLen = (inputLen `div` 3 + 1) * 4 + 1 -- +1: '\0'
      inputLen  = B8.length inBS

-- |@'encodeBase64' str@ lazilly encodes a stream of data to
-- Base64. The string doesn't have to be finite. Note that the string
-- must not contain any letters which aren't in the range of U+0000 -
-- U+00FF.
encodeBase64 :: String -> String
encodeBase64 = L8.unpack . encodeBase64LBS . L8.pack

-- |@'encodeBase64BS' bs@ strictly encodes a chunk of data to Base64.
encodeBase64BS :: B8.ByteString -> B8.ByteString
encodeBase64BS = encodeBlock

-- |@'encodeBase64LBS' lbs@ lazilly encodes a stream of data to
-- Base64. The string doesn't have to be finite.
encodeBase64LBS :: L8.ByteString -> L8.ByteString
encodeBase64LBS inLBS
    | L8.null inLBS = L8.empty
    | otherwise
        = let (blockParts', remain' ) = nextBlock 3 ([], inLBS)
              block'                  = B8.concat blockParts'
              blockLen'               = B8.length block'
              (block      , leftover) = if blockLen' < 3 then
                                            -- The last remnant.
                                            (block', B8.empty)
                                            B8.splitAt (blockLen' - blockLen' `mod` 3) block'
              remain                  = if B8.null leftover then
					    L8.fromChunks [leftover] `L8.append` remain'
              encodedBlock             = encodeBlock block
              encodedRemain            = encodeBase64LBS remain
            L8.fromChunks [encodedBlock] `L8.append` encodedRemain

{- decode -------------------------------------------------------------------- -}

foreign import ccall unsafe "EVP_DecodeBlock"
        _DecodeBlock :: Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> CInt -> IO CInt

decodeBlock :: B8.ByteString -> B8.ByteString
decodeBlock inBS
    = assert (B8.length inBS `mod` 4 == 0) $
      unsafePerformIO $
      unsafeUseAsCStringLen inBS $ \ (inBuf, inLen) ->
      createAndTrim (B8.length inBS) $ \ outBuf ->
      _DecodeBlock (castPtr outBuf) inBuf (fromIntegral inLen)
           >>= \ outLen -> return (fromIntegral outLen - paddingLen)
      paddingLen :: Int
      paddingLen = B8.count '=' inBS

-- |@'decodeBase64' str@ lazilly decodes a stream of data from
-- Base64. The string doesn't have to be finite.
decodeBase64 :: String -> String
decodeBase64 = L8.unpack . decodeBase64LBS . L8.pack

-- |@'decodeBase64BS' bs@ strictly decodes a chunk of data from
-- Base64.
decodeBase64BS :: B8.ByteString -> B8.ByteString
decodeBase64BS = decodeBlock

-- |@'decodeBase64LBS' lbs@ lazilly decodes a stream of data from
-- Base64. The string doesn't have to be finite.
decodeBase64LBS :: L8.ByteString -> L8.ByteString
decodeBase64LBS inLBS
    | L8.null inLBS = L8.empty
    | otherwise
        = let (blockParts', remain' ) = nextBlock 4 ([], inLBS)
              block'                  = B8.concat blockParts'
              blockLen'               = B8.length block'
              (block      , leftover) = assert (blockLen' >= 4) $
                                        B8.splitAt (blockLen' - blockLen' `mod` 4) block'
              remain                  = if B8.null leftover then
					    L8.fromChunks [leftover] `L8.append` remain'
              decodedBlock            = decodeBlock block
              decodedRemain           = decodeBase64LBS remain
            L8.fromChunks [decodedBlock] `L8.append` decodedRemain