Throw away the whole idea of greedy resources.

« Lucu project page

We now have a somewhat powerful dispatcher so greedy resources can be substituted with it.


Id: c80e79a2585ac20cc5ed677d70b6983a2842a81d
Type: task
Creation time: 2011-12-26 12:03 UTC
Creator: PHO <pho@...>
Release: Lucu-1.0 (unreleased)
Component: Lucu
Status: in progress in progress

Commits for this issue

2012-01-13 00:53 UTC PHO <pho@...> doc comments [ceb6901]
2012-01-12 23:11 UTC PHO <pho@...> doc comments [4a9daff]
2012-01-12 23:05 UTC PHO <pho@...> Bugfix [42cfef3]
2012-01-12 22:52 UTC PHO <pho@...> Data.URI.Scheme [f97a92f]
2012-01-12 22:46 UTC PHO <pho@...> Parser and co-parser for Data.URI.Scheme [087dd4f]
2012-01-12 16:39 UTC PHO <pho@...> Data.URI.Scheme [898b208]
2012-01-12 16:07 UTC PHO <pho@...> working on Router [af68f61]
2012-01-06 13:27 UTC PHO <pho@...> working on Router arrow [896da36]
2012-01-06 13:09 UTC PHO <pho@...> Still working on Router arrow [7bb9f32]
2012-01-06 04:39 UTC PHO <pho@...> Slightly changed the definition of Router arrow. [d0865cb]
2012-01-06 03:46 UTC PHO <pho@...> New module Network.HTTP.Lucu.Router (mostly a stub for now) [1a8b40b]
2012-01-05 13:51 UTC PHO <pho@...> ditz start [96f818b]

Issue log

2012-01-05 13:47 UTC PHO <pho@...> changed status from unstarted to in_progress
I think the best way to do this is to introduce Router arrow based on Kleisli IO, using arrow-list package.
2011-12-26 12:17 UTC PHO <pho@...> commented
ResourceMapper should be a map from (Maybe PathSegment) to (Either ResourceMap Resource).
2011-12-26 12:03 UTC PHO <pho@...> created