Use the text package instead of utf8-string.

« HsHyperEstraier project page

"utf8-string" has been obsoleted by "text".


Id: 23f16dd89731e76c2237696be536c32b5fc03420
Type: task
Creation time: 2011-07-27 17:59 UTC
Creator: PHO <pho@...>
Release: HsHyperEstraier-0.4 (released 2011-07-28)
Component: HsHyperEstraier
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Issue log

2011-07-27 18:08 UTC PHO <pho@...> closed with disposition fixed
2011-07-27 18:02 UTC PHO <pho@...> assigned to release HsHyperEstraier-0.4 from unassigned
2011-07-27 17:59 UTC PHO <pho@...> created