  , DeriveDataTypeable
  , FlexibleContexts
  , FlexibleInstances
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , TypeFamilies
  , UnicodeSyntax
  , ViewPatterns
-- |Fast percent-encoding and decoding for ByteStrings.
module Codec.URI.PercentEncoding
    ( DelimitableOctet(..)
    , DelimitedByteString
    , DecodeError(..)
    , encode
    , decode
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Exception.Base
import Control.Failure
import Control.Monad
import Data.Bits
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c)
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import Data.String
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Vector.Storable.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.ByteString.Char8 as C8
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as GV
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as UV
import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream as PS
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic
import Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Size
import Data.URI.Internal
import Data.Word
import Prelude.Unicode
#if defined(MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck)
import Test.QuickCheck.Arbitrary

-- |FIXME: docs
data DelimitableOctet
    = Delimiter !Word8
    | Literal   !Word8
    deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Hashable DelimitableOctet where
    hash (marshal  (isDelim, w))
        = hash isDelim `hashWithSalt` hash w

#if defined(MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck)
instance Arbitrary DelimitableOctet where
    arbitrary =  unmarshal <$> arbitrary
    shrink    = (unmarshal <$>)  shrink  marshal

instance CoArbitrary DelimitableOctet where
    coarbitrary = coarbitrary  marshal

newtype instance UV.MVector s DelimitableOctet
    = MV_DelimitableOctet (UV.MVector s (Bool, Word8))
newtype instance UV.Vector    DelimitableOctet
    = V_DelimitableOctet  (UV.Vector    (Bool, Word8))

marshal  DelimitableOctet  (Bool, Word8)
{-# INLINE marshal #-}
marshal (Delimiter w) = (True , w)
marshal (Literal   w) = (False, w)

unmarshal  (Bool, Word8)  DelimitableOctet
{-# INLINE unmarshal #-}
unmarshal (True , w) = Delimiter w
unmarshal (False, w) = Literal   w

instance MV.MVector UV.MVector DelimitableOctet where
    {-# INLINE basicLength #-}
    basicLength (MV_DelimitableOctet v) = MV.basicLength v
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
    basicUnsafeSlice i n (MV_DelimitableOctet v)
        = MV_DelimitableOctet $ MV.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
    {-# INLINE basicOverlaps #-}
    basicOverlaps (MV_DelimitableOctet v1) (MV_DelimitableOctet v2)
        = MV.basicOverlaps v1 v2
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeNew #-}
    basicUnsafeNew n = MV_DelimitableOctet `liftM` MV.basicUnsafeNew n
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeReplicate #-}
    basicUnsafeReplicate n
        = (MV_DelimitableOctet `liftM`)  MV.basicUnsafeReplicate n  marshal
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeRead #-}
    basicUnsafeRead (MV_DelimitableOctet v) i
        = unmarshal `liftM` MV.basicUnsafeRead v i
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeWrite #-}
    basicUnsafeWrite (MV_DelimitableOctet v) i
        = MV.basicUnsafeWrite v i  marshal
    {-# INLINE basicClear #-}
    basicClear (MV_DelimitableOctet v) = MV.basicClear v
    {-# INLINE basicSet #-}
    basicSet (MV_DelimitableOctet v) = MV.basicSet v  marshal
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeCopy #-}
    basicUnsafeCopy (MV_DelimitableOctet v1) (MV_DelimitableOctet v2)
        = MV.basicUnsafeCopy v1 v2
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeMove #-}
    basicUnsafeMove (MV_DelimitableOctet v1) (MV_DelimitableOctet v2)
        = MV.basicUnsafeMove v1 v2
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeGrow #-}
    basicUnsafeGrow (MV_DelimitableOctet v) n
        = MV_DelimitableOctet `liftM` MV.basicUnsafeGrow v n

instance GV.Vector UV.Vector DelimitableOctet where
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeFreeze #-}
    basicUnsafeFreeze (MV_DelimitableOctet v)
        = V_DelimitableOctet `liftM` GV.basicUnsafeFreeze v
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeThaw #-}
    basicUnsafeThaw (V_DelimitableOctet v)
        = MV_DelimitableOctet `liftM` GV.basicUnsafeThaw v
    {-# INLINE basicLength #-}
    basicLength (V_DelimitableOctet v) = GV.basicLength v
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeSlice #-}
    basicUnsafeSlice i n (V_DelimitableOctet v)
        = V_DelimitableOctet $ GV.basicUnsafeSlice i n v
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeIndexM #-}
    basicUnsafeIndexM (V_DelimitableOctet v) i
        = unmarshal `liftM` GV.basicUnsafeIndexM v i
    {-# INLINE basicUnsafeCopy #-}
    basicUnsafeCopy (MV_DelimitableOctet mv) (V_DelimitableOctet v)
        = GV.basicUnsafeCopy mv v
    {-# INLINE elemseq #-}
    elemseq _ o z
        = case marshal o of
            (isDelim, w)  GV.elemseq (()  UV.Vector Bool ) isDelim $
                           GV.elemseq (()  UV.Vector Word8) w z

instance UV.Unbox DelimitableOctet

-- |Decode every percent-encoded octets and turn every letters to
-- 'Literal's. Throws a runtime exception for 'DecodeError's.
instance IsString (UV.Vector DelimitableOctet) where
    {-# INLINE fromString #-}
    fromString str
        = case decode (const False) (C8.pack str) of
            Right v  v
            Left  e  throw (e  DecodeError)

instance Hashable (UV.Vector DelimitableOctet) where
    {-# INLINE hashWithSalt #-}
    hashWithSalt = UV.foldl' hashWithSalt

#if defined(MIN_VERSION_QuickCheck)
instance Arbitrary (UV.Vector DelimitableOctet) where
    arbitrary =  UV.fromList <$> arbitrary
    shrink    = (UV.fromList <$>)  shrink  UV.toList

instance CoArbitrary (UV.Vector DelimitableOctet) where
    coarbitrary = coarbitrary  UV.toList

-- |FIXME: doc
type DelimitedByteString
    = UV.Vector DelimitableOctet

data EncState s
    = EInitial   !s
    | EPercent   !s !Word8 !Word8 -- ^upper and lower halves
    | EUpperHalf !s !Word8        -- ^lower half

data DecState s
    = DInitial   !s
    | DPercent   !s
    | DUpperHalf !s !Word8 -- ^upper half

-- |Data type to represent a decoding error of percent-encoded
-- strings.
data DecodeError
    = InvalidUpperHalf !Char       -- ^invalid upper half
    | InvalidLowerHalf !Char !Char -- ^valid upper and invalid lower halves
    | MissingUpperHalf
    | MissingLowerHalf !Char       -- ^valid upper half
    deriving Typeable

instance Exception DecodeError

instance Show DecodeError where
    show (InvalidUpperHalf u)
        = "DecodeError: non-hex-digit occured after \"%\": '"  [u]  "'"
    show (InvalidLowerHalf u l)
        = "DecodeError: non-hex-digit occured after \"%"  [u]  "\": '"  [l]  "'"
    show MissingUpperHalf
        = "DecodeError: premature end with \"%\""
    show (MissingLowerHalf u)
        = "DecodeError: premature end with \"%"  [u]  "\""

-- |Encode a 'DelimitedByteString' to percent-encoded ascii string
-- using a predicate to determine which 'Literal's should be
-- encoded. Note that 'Delimiter's are always passed through.
encode  (Char  Bool)  DelimitedByteString  ByteString
{-# INLINE encode #-}
encode isUnsafe = GV.unstream  encodeStream isUnsafe  GV.stream

-- |Decode a percent-encoded ascii string to 'DelimitedByteString'
-- using a predicate to determine which non-encoded letters should be
-- considered to be delimiters. Note that encoded octets are always
-- considered to be 'Literal'.
decode  f. (Applicative f, Failure DecodeError f)
        (Char  Bool)
        f DelimitedByteString
{-# INLINE decode #-}
decode isDelim = munstream  decodeStream isDelim  mstream

mstream  (Monad m, GV.Vector v α)  v α  Stream m α
{-# INLINE mstream #-}
mstream = PS.liftStream  GV.stream

-- This is terrible, but what else can we do...?
munstream  (Functor m, Monad m, GV.Vector v α)  Stream m α  m (v α)
{-# INLINE munstream #-}
munstream s = GV.unstream  PS.unsafeFromList (size s) <$> toList s

encodeStream  f. (Applicative f, Monad f)
              (Char  Bool)
              Stream f DelimitableOctet
              Stream f Word8
{-# INLINE encodeStream #-}
encodeStream isUnsafe (Stream step (s0  s) sz)
    = Stream go (EInitial s0) sz'
      sz'  Size
      {-# INLINE sz' #-}
      sz' = case upperBound sz of
              Just n   Max $ n  3
              Nothing  Unknown

      go  EncState s  f (Step (EncState s) Word8)
      {-# INLINE go #-}
      go (EInitial s)
          = do r  step s
               case r of
                 Yield (Delimiter w) s'
                           pure $ Yield w    (EInitial s'    )
                 Yield (Literal   w) s'
                     | isUnsafe (w2c w)
                           let (u, l) = encodeHex w in
                            pure $ Yield 0x25 (EPercent s' u l)
                     | otherwise
                           pure $ Yield w    (EInitial s'    )
                 Skip s'   pure $ Skip       (EInitial s'    )
                 Done      pure $ Done
      go (EPercent s u l) = pure $ Yield u (EUpperHalf s l)
      go (EUpperHalf s l) = pure $ Yield l (EInitial   s  )

decodeStream  f. (Applicative f, Failure DecodeError f)
              (Char  Bool)
              Stream f Word8
              Stream f DelimitableOctet
{-# INLINE decodeStream #-}
decodeStream isDelim (Stream step (s0  s) sz)
    = Stream go (DInitial s0) (toMax sz)
      go  DecState s  f (Step (DecState s) DelimitableOctet)
      {-# INLINE go #-}
      go (DInitial s)
          = do r  step s
               case r of
                 Yield w s'
                     | w  0x25         pure $ Skip                (DPercent s')
                     | isDelim (w2c w)  pure $ Yield (Delimiter w) (DInitial s')
                     | otherwise        pure $ Yield (Literal   w) (DInitial s')
                 Skip    s'             pure $ Skip                (DInitial s')
                 Done                   pure Done
      go (DPercent s)
          = do r  step s
               case r of
                 Yield u s'  pure $ Skip (DUpperHalf s' u)
                 Skip    s'  pure $ Skip (DPercent   s'  )
                 Done        pure Done
      go (DUpperHalf s u)
          = do r  step s
               case r of
                 Yield l s'  do w  decodeHex u l
                                 -- Encoded octets are always literal.
                                 pure $ Yield (Literal w) (DInitial s')
                 Skip    s'  pure    $ Skip (DUpperHalf s' u)
                 Done        failure $ MissingLowerHalf (w2c u)

encodeHex  Word8  (Word8, Word8)
{-# INLINEABLE encodeHex #-}
encodeHex w = ( encodeHalf $ w `shiftR` 4
              , encodeHalf $ w .&. 0x0F
      encodeHalf  Word8  Word8
      {-# INLINEABLE encodeHalf #-}
      encodeHalf h
          | h < 0x0A  = h      + 0x30 -- '0'..'9'
          | otherwise = h - 10 + 0x65 -- 'A'..'F'

decodeHex  (Applicative f, Failure DecodeError f)  Word8  Word8  f Word8
{-# INLINEABLE decodeHex #-}
decodeHex u l
    | (¬) (isHexDigit_w8 u) = failure $ InvalidUpperHalf (w2c u)
    | (¬) (isHexDigit_w8 l) = failure $ InvalidLowerHalf (w2c u) (w2c l)
    | otherwise             = pure    $ unsafeDecodeHex u l

unsafeDecodeHex  Word8  Word8  Word8
{-# INLINEABLE unsafeDecodeHex #-}
unsafeDecodeHex u l = (decodeHalf u `shiftL` 4) .|. decodeHalf l
      decodeHalf  Word8  Word8
      {-# INLINEABLE decodeHalf #-}
      decodeHalf w
          | w  0x30  w  0x39 = w - 0x30      -- '0'..'9'
          | w  0x61            = w - 0x61 + 10 -- 'a'..'f'
          | otherwise           = w - 0x65 + 10 -- 'A'..'F'