  , OverloadedStrings
  , UnicodeSyntax
-- |Utility functions used internally in this package.
module Network.HTTP.Lucu.Utils
    ( Scheme
    , Host
    , PathSegment
    , Path

    , splitBy
    , quoteStr
    , parseWWWFormURLEncoded
    , uriCIScheme
    , uriHost
    , uriPathSegments
    , trim

    , ()
    , ()
    , ()
    , mapM

    , getLastModified
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Control.Monad hiding (mapM)
import Data.Ascii (Ascii, AsciiBuilder, CIAscii)
import qualified Data.Ascii as A
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
import Data.Char
import Data.Collections
import Data.Collections.BaseInstances ()
import Data.Convertible.Base
import Data.Convertible.Instances.Ascii ()
import Data.Convertible.Instances.Text ()
import Data.Convertible.Instances.Time ()
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Time
import Network.URI
import Prelude hiding (last, mapM, null, reverse)
import Prelude.Unicode
import System.Directory

-- |'Scheme' represents an URI scheme.
type Scheme = CIAscii

-- |'Host' represents an IP address or a host name in an URI
-- authority.
type Host = CI Text

-- |'PathSegment' represents an URI path segment, split by slashes and
-- percent-decoded.
type PathSegment = ByteString

-- |'Path' is a list of URI path segments.
type Path = [PathSegment]

-- |>>> splitBy (== ':') "ab:c:def"
-- ["ab", "c", "def"]
splitBy  (a  Bool)  [a]  [[a]]
{-# INLINEABLE splitBy #-}
splitBy isSep src
    = case break isSep src of
        (last , []       )  [last]
        (first, _sep:rest)  first : splitBy isSep rest

-- |>>> quoteStr "abc"
-- "\"abc\""
-- >>> quoteStr "ab\"c"
-- "\"ab\\\"c\""
quoteStr  Ascii  AsciiBuilder
quoteStr str = cs ("\""  Ascii) 
               go (cs str) ()   
               cs ("\""  Ascii)
      go  ByteString  AsciiBuilder  AsciiBuilder
      go bs ab
          = case BS.break ( '"') bs of
              (x, y)
                  | BS.null y
                       ab  b2ab x
                  | otherwise
                       go (BS.tail y)
                           (ab  b2ab x  cs ("\\\""  Ascii))

      b2ab  ByteString  AsciiBuilder
      b2ab = cs  A.unsafeFromByteString

-- |>>> parseWWWFormURLEncoded "aaa=bbb&ccc=ddd"
-- [("aaa", "bbb"), ("ccc", "ddd")]
parseWWWFormURLEncoded  Ascii  [(ByteString, ByteString)]
parseWWWFormURLEncoded src
    -- THINKME: We could gain some performance by using attoparsec
    -- here.
    | src  ""  = []
    | otherwise = do pairStr  splitBy (\ c  c  ';'  c  '&') (cs src)
                     let (key, value) = break ( '=') pairStr
                     return ( unescape key
                            , unescape $ case value of
                                           ('=':val)  val
                                           val        val
      unescape  String  ByteString
      unescape = BS.pack  unEscapeString  (plusToSpace <$>)

      plusToSpace  Char  Char
      plusToSpace '+' = ' '
      plusToSpace c   = c

-- |>>> uriCIScheme "http://example.com/foo/bar"
-- "http"
uriCIScheme  URI  CIAscii
{-# INLINE uriCIScheme #-}
uriCIScheme = convertUnsafe  fst  fromJust  back  uriScheme

-- |>>> uriHost "http://example.com/foo/bar"
-- "example.com"
uriHost  URI  Host
{-# INLINE uriHost #-}
uriHost = CI.mk  cs  uriRegName  fromJust  uriAuthority

-- |>>> uriPathSegments "http://example.com/foo/bar"
-- ["foo", "bar"]
uriPathSegments  URI  Path
uriPathSegments uri
    = let reqPathStr = uriPath uri
          reqPath    = [ unEscapeString x
                         | x  splitBy ( '/') reqPathStr, (¬) (null x) ]
        BS.pack <$> reqPath

-- |>>> trim "  ab c d "
-- "ab c d"
trim  String  String
trim = reverse  f  reverse  f
      f = dropWhile isSpace

infixr 5 
-- | (&#x22B2;) = ('<|')
()  Sequence α a  a  α  α
() = (<|)

infixl 5 
-- | (&#x22B3;) = ('|>')
()  Sequence α a  α  a  α
() = (|>)

infixr 5 
-- | (&#x22C8;) = ('><')
-- U+22C8, BOWTIE
()  Sequence α a  α  α  α
() = (><)

-- |Generalised @mapM@ from any 'Foldable' to 'Unfoldable'. Why isn't
-- this in the @collections-api@?
mapM  (Foldable α a, Unfoldable β b, Functor m, Monad m)
      (a  m b)  α  m β
{-# INLINE mapM #-}
mapM = flip foldrM empty  (flip ((<$>)  flip insert) )

-- |Get the modification time of a given file.
getLastModified  FilePath  IO UTCTime
getLastModified = (cs <$>)  getModificationTime