  , FlexibleInstances
  , FlexibleContexts
  , MultiParamTypeClasses
  , OverloadedStrings
  , QuasiQuotes
  , RecordWildCards
  , ScopedTypeVariables
  , TemplateHaskell
  , UnicodeSyntax
  , ViewPatterns
-- |Parse \"multipart/form-data\" based on RFC 2388:
-- <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2388>
module Network.HTTP.Lucu.MultipartForm
    ( FormData(..)
    , parseMultipartFormData
import Control.Applicative hiding (many)
import Control.Applicative.Unicode hiding (())
import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError, throwError)
import Control.Monad.Unicode
import Data.Ascii (Ascii, CIAscii, AsciiBuilder)
import Data.Attempt
import Data.Attoparsec
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Lazy as LP
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LS
import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Search
import Data.Collections
import Data.Convertible.Base
import Data.Convertible.Instances.Ascii ()
import Data.Convertible.Utils
import Data.Default
import Data.List (intercalate)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Headers
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEParams
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser.Http
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Utils
import Prelude hiding (lookup, mapM)
import Prelude.Unicode

-- |'FormData' represents a form value and possibly an uploaded file
-- name.
data FormData
    = FormData {
        -- | @'Nothing'@ for non-file values.
        fdFileName  !(Maybe Text)
        -- | MIME Type of this value, defaulted to \"text/plain\".
      , fdMIMEType  !MIMEType
        -- | The form value.
      , fdContent   !(LS.ByteString)

data Part
    = Part {
        ptContDispo  !ContDispo
      , ptContType   !MIMEType
      , ptBody       !LS.ByteString

data ContDispo
    = ContDispo {
        dType    !CIAscii
      , dParams  !MIMEParams

instance ConvertSuccess ContDispo Ascii where
    {-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
    convertSuccess = convertSuccessVia (()  AsciiBuilder)

instance ConvertSuccess ContDispo AsciiBuilder where
    {-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
    convertSuccess (ContDispo {..})
        = cs dType  cs dParams

deriveAttempts [ ([t| ContDispo |], [t| Ascii        |])
               , ([t| ContDispo |], [t| AsciiBuilder |])

-- |Parse \"multipart/form-data\" to a list of @(name,
-- formData)@. Note that there are currently the following
-- limitations:
--   * Multiple files embedded as \"multipart/mixed\" within the
--     \"multipart/form-data\" won't be decomposed.
--   * \"Content-Transfer-Encoding\" is always ignored.
--   * RFC 2388 (<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2388#section-3>) says
--     that non-ASCII field names are encoded according to the method
--     in RFC 2047 (<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2047>), but this
--     function currently doesn't decode them.
parseMultipartFormData  Ascii -- ^boundary
                        LS.ByteString -- ^input
                        Either String [(Ascii, FormData)]
parseMultipartFormData boundary = (mapM partToFormPair =)  go
      go  (Functor m, MonadError String m)
          m [Part]
      {-# INLINEABLE go #-}
      go src
          = case LP.parse (prologue boundary) src of
              LP.Done src' _
                   go' src' ()
              LP.Fail _ eCtx e
                   throwError $ "Unparsable multipart/form-data: "
                                intercalate ", " eCtx
                                ": "
      go'  (Functor m, MonadError String m)
           Seq Part
           m [Part]
      {-# INLINEABLE go' #-}
      go' src xs
          = case LP.parse epilogue src of
              LP.Done _ _
                   return $ toList xs
              LP.Fail _ _ _
                   do (src', x)  parsePart boundary src
                       go' src' $ xs  x

prologue  Ascii  Parser ()
prologue boundary
    = ( (string "--" <?> "prefix")
        (string (cs boundary) <?> "boundary")
        pure ()

epilogue  Parser ()
epilogue = finishOff ((string "--" <?> "suffix") *> crlf)

parsePart  (Functor m, MonadError String m)
           m (LS.ByteString, Part)
{-# INLINEABLE parsePart #-}
parsePart boundary src
    = case LP.parse partHeader src of
        LP.Done src' hdrs
             do dispo  getContDispo hdrs
                 cType  fromMaybe defaultCType <$> getContType hdrs
                 (body, src'')
                        getBody boundary src'
                 return (src'', Part dispo cType body)
        LP.Fail _ eCtx e
             throwError $ "unparsable part: "
                          intercalate ", " eCtx
                          ": "
        defaultCType  MIMEType
        defaultCType = [mimeType| text/plain |]

partHeader  Parser Headers
{-# INLINE partHeader #-}
partHeader = crlf *> def

getContDispo  MonadError String m  Headers  m ContDispo
{-# INLINEABLE getContDispo #-}
getContDispo hdrs
    = case getHeader "Content-Disposition" hdrs of
             throwError "Content-Disposition is missing"
        Just str
             case parseOnly (finishOff contentDisposition) $ cs str of
                 Right  d  return d
                 Left err  throwError $ "malformed Content-Disposition: "
                                        cs str
                                        ": "

contentDisposition  Parser ContDispo
{-# INLINEABLE contentDisposition #-}
    = (ContDispo <$> (cs <$> token)  def)

getContType  MonadError String m  Headers  m (Maybe MIMEType)
{-# INLINEABLE getContType #-}
getContType hdrs
    = case getHeader "Content-Type" hdrs of
             return Nothing
        Just str
             case parseOnly (finishOff def) $ cs str of
                 Right  d  return $ Just d
                 Left err  throwError $ "malformed Content-Type: "
                                        cs str
                                        ": "

getBody  MonadError String m
         m (LS.ByteString, LS.ByteString)
{-# INLINEABLE getBody #-}
getBody (("\r\n--" )  cs  boundary) src
    = case breakOn boundary src of
        (before, after)
            | LS.null after
                 throwError "missing boundary"
            | otherwise
                 let len    = fromIntegral $ BS.length boundary
                      after' = LS.drop len after
                    return (before, after')

partToFormPair  MonadError String m  Part  m (Ascii, FormData)
{-# INLINEABLE partToFormPair #-}
partToFormPair pt@(Part {..})
    | dType ptContDispo  "form-data"
        = do name  partName pt
             let fd = FormData {
                        fdFileName = partFileName pt
                      , fdMIMEType = ptContType
                      , fdContent  = ptBody
             return (name, fd)
    | otherwise
        = throwError $ "disposition type is not \"form-data\": "
                      cs (dType ptContDispo)

partName  MonadError String m  Part  m Ascii
{-# INLINEABLE partName #-}
partName (Part {..})
    = case lookup "name" $ dParams ptContDispo of
        Just name
             case ca name of
                 Success a  return a
                 Failure e  throwError $ show e
             throwError $ "form-data without name: "
                          convertSuccessVia (()  Ascii) ptContDispo

partFileName  Part  Maybe Text
partFileName (ptContDispo  ContDispo {..})
    = lookup "filename" dParams