Create a test suite using QuickCheck

« time-http project page

With great library comes great test suite.


Id: c8c594f249504e28212f18a8a5c6b8a708b99f79
Type: task
Creation time: 2011-08-26 09:56 UTC
Creator: PHO <pho@...>
Release: time-http-0.2 (released 2011-10-03)
Component: time-http
Status: closed: fixed fixed

Commits for this issue

2011-10-03 12:11 UTC PHO <pho@...> Tests for Data.Time.HTTP [fec6c14]
2011-10-02 12:52 UTC PHO <pho@...> Tests for Data.Time.RFC733 [e7ac083]
2011-09-28 18:07 UTC PHO <pho@...> Tests for Data.Time.RFC1123 [c1ed8da]
2011-09-28 16:36 UTC PHO <pho@...> Tests for Data.Time.Asctime [e322e3c]
2011-09-28 15:28 UTC PHO <pho@...> Skeleton for the test suite. [1029ed1]

Issue log

2011-10-03 13:08 UTC PHO <pho@...> closed with disposition fixed
2011-08-26 09:56 UTC PHO <pho@...> created